The Cuppett Dance Company (CDC) is a community performance-based company. It was created to provide the more serious student with a chance for concert and community performance opportunities and to reap the benefits of a committed dance program in a team-oriented atmosphere. Company members range in age from 7 to 18.
At Cuppett PAC we believe in a balanced approach to performance training with quality dance instruction provided in a family-friendly environment. Several outside performances a year are beneficial to the student as they help the student explore new techniques and choreography to challenge the mind and body, and provide the students with the opportunity to learn and grow from each experience. CDC members also participate in dance workshops, fundraisers, some competitions and at our Spring Ballet and June Recitals.
The members of the CDC typically host at least one fundraiser a year to benefit persons or organizations in the community. The students act together to benefit a needy cause, creating a giving atmosphere and family-like bond between company members and benefiting the community as a whole.
The Company is overseen by Amy Cuppett and managed and co-directed by Tori Puff, Carly Johnson and Natalie Provost. The Directors are assisted by some of our amazing faculty and guest choreographers – all of whom are passionate and dedicated to their work! Our CDC team believes not only in creating a balanced dance year in a fun, yet very challenging atmosphere, but also in helping members realize important life lessons. Truly, there is no other dance company out there like the CDC!
Junior & Senior Company
The Cuppett Dance Company is holding Fall Auditions on Sunday, June 8, 2025! More details and a sign up link will be released in advance.
Mini Company
Mini Company offers younger dancers the chance to be involved in some of the same exciting and fun opportunities as Junior and Senior Company without asking for as large of a time commitment. Mini CDC will serve as a preparatory experience for younger dancers before moving up to Junior and Senior CDC. We are committed to making the Mini CDC a fun, educational, and age-appropriate experience for our dancers. Mini CDC Auditions are scheduled for Sunday, June 8. More details and a sign up link will be released in advance.
We are excited for a great year with the CDC and hope your dancer will join us! Please reach out to
with any questions and we look forward to seeing your dancer in auditions.
Eligibility Requirements for Summer 2025 & School-Year 2025-2026