How to Properly Make a Ballet Bun
- Pull up hair into a ponytail at the crown of the head
- Use an elastic to secure the hair in a ponytail
- Twist hair until it begins to automatically form a bun
- Tuck hair underneath itself especially all loose ends
- Use hair pins (not bobby pins) to secure the hair in place
- Add a hair net matching your hair color to keep neat and in place
- Use hairspray and matte bobby pins to secure additional loose hair
How to Apply Performance Make-up for Young Dancers
How to Apply Performance Make-up for Teen Dancers
How to Properly Wear Ballet Flats
Ballerinas are notorious for their attention to detail! Don’t let your ballet flats fall short.
- Tighten your elastics so the shoe fits snug around the sides but do not cut into the heel.
- Tie your elastics in a knot after ensuring they are the proper tension. Ask your instructor if you are unsure how tight they should be.
- After knotting securely, cut the strings to that they can be tucked and stay tucked inside the shoe. No bunny ears!
- Check your slippers before going on stage! Look out for your fellow dancers and kindly let them know if they need to tuck their strings as well.

A bunny ear escapes!