Saturday Rehearsals

  • Students performing in the Spring Ballet are required to attend four additional Saturday Ballet Rehearsals. These dates are announced via Newsletters sent via email and available to review in your Customer Portal.
  • Saturday Ballet Rehearsals are held at the CPAC Park Street facility.
  • The Saturday Ballet Rehearsals begin around 4:30 p.m. and run through the evening. A detailed rehearsal schedule is sent out in late December/early January with the rehearsal times for each section of the Ballet as well as the Finale rehearsal time.
  • Students are required to attend the sections in which they are performing as well as the Finale rehearsal time but do not have to stay for sections in which they are not dancing.
  • Roll will be taken for each class. If a student misses two or more Saturday Ballet Rehearsals, they will not be able to participate in the Finale for the Ballet and the additional staging. The only time this material is taught is during the four Saturday Ballet Rehearsals.

Dress Rehearsal

  • The mandatory Spring Ballet Dress Rehearsal is the Friday evening before the Performance. All students must attend the entire Dress Rehearsal which runs in show order. This is usually different from the Saturday Rehearsal schedule.
  • If you miss the required Spring Ballet Dress Rehearsal, you will not be allowed to perform in the ballet.
  • It is strongly advised that you arrive with hair and makeup completed. Change into your costume when you arrive, do not travel in your costume as it is easily damaged.
  • Please give dancers who perform before you access to the dressing rooms first. e.g. If you dance in the third act, allow dancers in the first and second acts to change first.
  • For dress rehearsal ONLY, you may sit in the audience after you have changed in order to watch the performance. Sit with your class and be aware of when you need to be backstage (3-5 dances before you perform).
  • After the Spring Ballet Dress Rehearsal Finale, students remain in costume for a group photo of the entire cast on-stage. This photo is later displayed at the CPAC Park Street facility.
  • On Performance day, there are TWO shows. All performers perform in BOTH shows!
  • Be sure your child has plenty of water and food on Performance day–it is a long and exciting day!

Etiquette on Rehearsal Day

  • Be on time!
  • Pay attention to when your class performs. Classes will be called into the main studio to perform and be placed on stage.
  • Come to the studio well fed. Do not bring messy food or snacks into the studio. If you require snacks, please clean up after yourself and make use of the garbage cans. Only water is allowed in the studios.
  • There will be an all class sit down to go over additional information you need to know. Please be quiet and listen. Different information is given at each rehearsal, so make sure to pay attention.
  • Rehearsal can be long. Bring something to do that is quiet. Do not bring expensive electronics as they can be easily misplaced or broken. CPAC is not responsible for lost or broken items.
  •  Suggestions:
    • Coloring books, sketchpads, notebooks
    • Madlibs
    • Card games or board games without small pieces which can easily be lost or stepped upon
    • Books to read
  • Last but not least–treat others as you would want them to treat you. Kindness, patience, and personal responsibility show that you respect others as well as yourself.