School Year Session (September through June) Tuition Information
- View our School Year Session page for downloadable / printable documents with full tuition information and calculation details.
- The total tuition for the year is divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Use our tuition calculator to determine your monthly payment.
- September monthly tuition and the registration fee are paid at the time of enrollment and are non-refundable.
- Monthly tuition is due the first day of each month beginning with October.
- If the monthly tuition payment has not been received by the Main Office by the end of business on the 7th day of the month, a late fee of $25 will be charged to the account.
- Past due accounts must be paid in full in order to register for an upcoming session or additional classes.
- Past due accounts must be paid in full in order to receive recital costumes. Cuppett PAC reserves the right to withhold a student’s participation in season ending performances if the student’s account is more than 1 month past due or if accumulated late charges have not been paid 5 days prior to that performance.
- There is a $35.00 fee for payments returned for insufficient funds.
- Monthly tuition is paid via Auto Pay (Amex, VISA, MC, Discover or bank draft).
- There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. If a student misses a class, they can do a make-up in a similar class during the same session.
- A student can withdraw from a class by sending an email to or phoning the office at 703-938-9019 by the 25th of the current month and will not be charged for the remaining months of the session.
- Requests received after the 25th of the month will not be effective until the end of the following month.

Happy Tappers at Recital.
Costume Fees
- There is a costume fee for Ballet and/or June Recital performers.
- Performance participation is optional. If your child is not performing in the Ballet or June Recital, you must notify the office prior to December 1 to avoid being charged a costume fee.
- Student measurements are submitted in November for each class participating in the performances.
- Costume payments are billed in November and are due December 1st. In order to receive all costumes in time for the performances, costumes are ordered in December.
- There are NO REFUNDS on costumes. Please make sure you are available on the dates of the mandatory dress rehearsals and performance days before December 1st.
- Every effort is made to order costumes that will fit. When ordering, we take into account the age of the student and the probable growth during the remainder of the dance year.
- Payment for costumes indicates your agreement to abide by the attendance policy and other policies.
- Additional information on costumes for the Spring Ballet and June Recital is available under Performances.
Performance, Examination, and Other Costs
- Ballet Performance fee for families performing in the Spring Ballet. This fee helps cover part of the cost of the venue. Parents of performers in the Spring Ballet will receive a limited number of discounted tickets once the Ballet Performance Fee is paid. Additional tickets can be purchased for the shows as needed.
- June Recital fee for families performing in the end-of-the-year June Recital. This fee helps cover part of the cost of the venue. Parents of performers in the June Recital will receive a limited number of discounted tickets once the June Recital Fee is paid. Additional tickets can be purchased for the shows as needed. /li>
- Cecchetti fees include a required Grade level book ($5 to $16 depending on grade level) and Cecchetti examination fees (range from $55 to $125 depending on grade level). Students taking a Cecchetti examination must pay the appropriate non-refundable fee in advance.
- Cuppett Dance Company (CDC) fees for workshops, conventions, competitions, and master classes are outlined in the CDC handbook.
Summer Session Tuition Information
- View our Summer Session page for downloadable / printable documents with full tuition information and calculation details.
- The entire tuition amount and the registration fee are due at the time of enrollment in classes.
- Summer tuition is non-refundable. There are no monetary refunds for Spring or Summer tuition.
- If Summer tuition is over $600, the tuition may be paid in two payments. The first half is due at registration and the second by May 1st. Please notify us at time of registration if you would like to divide your payments.
- If the Summer tuition is over $800, the tuition may be paid in three payments. The first third is due at registration, the second due by May 1st, and the final due by June 1st. Please notify us at time of registration if you would like to divide your payments.
- Past due accounts must be paid in full in order to register for upcoming sessions or additional classes.
- There is a $35.00 fee for payments returned for insufficient funds.
- If a student withdraws from a Summer class before May 15th, they may receive a tuition credit towards the following School Year Session only.
- The student or a family member may substitute one alternate summer session class, camp, or workshop for the dropped class, depending on availability.
- There are no refunds or school year session credits given for withdrawals from Summer classes on or after May 15th.