Drop-In Classes

  • Subject to space availability and teacher permission. Please arrange prior to arrival.
  • A student must complete a registration form and pay the registration fee for the session in order to drop-in for a class during the session. The registration fee is good for that entire session.
  • Drop-in fees are based on the session and the length of the class.
  • Drop-in fees should be paid before a student participates in a drop-in class at the office window or the student may enroll in the Auto Pay program and have their fees automatically processed each time they participate in a drop-in class.

Students demonstrate positions in ballet.


Placement Classes

  • A prospective student who is interested in trying a class should contact the Main Office at Cuppettpacdance@gmail.com or by phone 703-938-9019 to schedule a class.
  • A prospective student with experience who needs to be placed in a dance genre should contact the Main Office at either Cuppettpacdance@gmail.com or by phone at 703-938-9019 to set up a placement class.
  • On the day of the scheduled class, the prospective student’s parent or guardian must check in at the office to complete basic information on the registration form and sign the Waiver of Liability/Assumption of Risk.
  • Placement class fees are based on the session and the length of the class.
  • We do not allow students to try out a class the first week of the School-Year session.