Class Schedules and Registration opportunities are available all year!


Cuppett Performing Arts Center for Dance has moved to fully online registration. During open registration for New Families, a Register Now! button will be available for you to use on the right side of every page. You can visit the individual session pages to see classes available and whether registration is available. Please keep in mind that we have different open registration periods for current, prior, and new students. Current famlies can register online via the Customer Portal.

If you have questions regarding registration, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!

School Year Session

Our school year session runs from September through June with registration starting in the summer. Full descriptions of our classes based on age and ability are available on our class description pages. A ballet performance is held in the Spring for Ballet III levels and above. A year end recital is held in June.

View School Year Session Info


  • Thanksgiving Break begins the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and ends the Sunday after.
  • Winter Break usually follows the Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) calendar. Check our CPAC calendar for the exact dates.
  • Spring Break usually follows the FCPS calendar except for the Monday after Easter; we will be open the Monday after Easter.
  • CPAC is open ALL Monday holidays during the year except for Memorial Day.
  • We are open the Saturday before Memorial Day and closed on Monday, Memorial Day.

Current families can review their information and register using the Customer Portal.

Students from tap class perform with friends and other classes.

Tappers about to perform in our June recital.

Spring Session

Our Spring Sessions are based on teacher and space availability and run beginning late February through the end of April. The Spring Session usually begins in February and continues for 6-8 weeks, with a break for spring break. Classes do not participate in the Spring Ballet or June Recital. An in-class performance is held on the last day of each class for family and friends. Class schedules and registration information as well as a full schedule is available by visiting our Spring Session page.

View Spring Session Info

Summer Session

Our Summer Session runs July into August. For full details on classes avilable as well as start and end dates, please visit our Summer Session page. Summer Session classes count towards both Ballet Contract Dancer and Cuppett Dance Company requirements.

View Summer Session Info

Summer Camps

Our weekly summer camps are available for various age ranges and have different themes each week. Please inquire about before or after camp care. For full information on days and times available, please visit our Summer Camps page.

View Summer Camp Info